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Grupo ISASTUR leads the upgrade of Almussafes plan to cope with a new model key for its future success
Here we have the new FORD TRANSIT CONNECT driving along our streets and roads.
Back in July 2012 we reported that FORD Spain would assemble this new vehicle and also that ASAS had been appointed as reference supplier for all handling systems in the body shop. Now, in March 2014, ASAS is proud to announce that all modifications and new facilities have been accomplished in time, after a hard work performed together with other companies of Grupo ISASTUR such as ISASTUR, ISASTUR Ingeniería and Babcock Montajes.
This Project represented an important challenge, not only due to the handling technologies required, EMS 180, Body-Skids floor carriers, Body-Skids themselves, but also after a the all-new batching control system developed by Grupo ISASTUR which manages the sequencing of assembly, capable to deal with the 300 possible different versions of bodies that FORD offers to its customers worldwide.
During commissioning and start-up stages of Mechanic, Hadware and Software systems, the commitment of all parties: client, subcontractors, etc. has been intensively required, always keeping in mind that the assembly of an industrial-oriented vehicle such as the TRANSIT CONNECT has been probably the most challenging project undertaken at Ford Almussafes.
The final Project amount, up to almost 7.5 Million EURO, shows up the trust that a major manufacturer as FORD has deposited in ASAS Systems and thus in Grupo ISASTUR.