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ASAS Systems undertook improvements in pallet conveyor in a fast-track schedule
“A GOOD JOB”, has been the common statement within Ford España when referring to the Project that ASAS Systems has developed in the engine dressing pallet conveyor area in order to implement various improvements, including an increase in production rate, at Almussafes’ Final Assembly Plant.
FORD Europe is currently boosting Almussafes Plant capacities, so it becomes a key plant within car manufacturer’s global strategies, however potential bottle necks needed to be removed in order to achieve targeted production levels. ASAS was appointed as FORD’s partner in the aim of identifying, analyse and suggest improvements (Simultaneous Engineering) as well as finally implement them.
Every step during simultaneous engineering process was taken with a highly professional approach by all parties involved, which drove to the success achieved at the end of the Project, unanimously acknowledged by the client, subcontractors and other agents involved.
Installation and commissioning have been, due to the extremely short production downtime period available, a challenge comparable to change of tyres in a Formula 1 race: previous training of all participants, one team per tyre (area), efficient resources for each task, as well as a detailed schedule meticulously prepared and implement as clockwork. Every effort had one vision: “win the race”. During this phase, another two companies of Grupo ISASTUR aided ASAS: Babcock Montajes and ISASTUR.
Final result is reflected in the production levels that the modifications are enabling Ford Almussafes’ Plant to achieve. Yet another successful story in ASAS System’s extensive track record of large and complex jobs.