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Grupo ISASTUR develops a major project in the Chassis Line
Perhaps the headline is not easy to understand for those who are not familiar with automotive handling systems, here is a brief introduction.
EMS stands for Electrified Monorail System, an overhead transport system based in monorails with trolleys.
240 is the millimetre size of rail height.
Chassis Line is the line where all parts underlying the car body are assembled: axis, powertrain, suspensions, exhaust, wheels, etc.
After the assignment of the new Mondeo, Galaxy and S-Max models to FORD Factory in Almussafes (Valencia) and the increase in production capacity that it requires, it has been necessary to double the existing chassis line in final assembly plant in order to provide room for the new processing stations.
FORD Spain and its Corporate Headquarters in Europe trusted ASAS Systems technology and turn-key capabilities for such an important project including: simultaneous engineering, structural reinforcement calculations both for primary and secondary structures as well as monorail, maintenance and access platforms, basic and detailed mechanical, electrical and control systems engineering, coordination and management at all steps of suppliers for all process equipment and obviously erection and commissioning/start-up of the EMS-240 line.
Some numbers may summarise the scope: 400 tons of structural steel, 800 m2 of maintenance passageways, 6 platforms to access electrical boards, 4 access stairs to level 5 m, 800 meters of 240 EMS aluminium rail, three automatic exchangers of EMS 240, 8 HMI electrical boards. Total amount for this project ranges 12 Million EUROS.
The Project has been led by ASAS Systems, however synergies with other companies of the Group have been implement enabling ISASTUR and Babcock Montajes to participate.
The line is on production since January 20th, assembling C-Max Compact, C-Max Grand, KUGA and Transit Connect models with a rate of 1.600 units/day after a just about 100% reliability performance of the EMS system from the first week of February.
Tests have just begun for the launch of the new Mondeo, being this new model a qualitative and quantitative step forward for the Valencia Factory that safeguards a strong future for FORD in Spain.