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ISASTUR representatives were invited after ISOTRON engagement in the PV Plant construction
The Ceremony was held in the gardens of the French Embassy, at a pleasant sunny day of spring term in Chile. ISOTRON Chile Delegation was led by its General Manager, Darren Easton.
Attendees were briefly addressed by Mr. Andrés Rebolledo (Ministry of Energy Chile), Mr. Ambassador Patrick De Beyter (Belgium), Mr. Gabriel Normand (Chargé d’Affaires French Embassy), Mr. Philip De Cnudde (President ENGIE Chile), Mr. Amaury Korniloff (Deputy General Director SolaireDirect) and finally Mr. Nicolas Sadon (Director LATAM SolaireDirect), who remarked the successful contribution of Isastur ISOTRON to the plant construction.
Los Loros is a 54 MWp Photovoltaic Plant located near Copiapó in the III Region, ISOTRON was involved as an EPC contractor for the execution of the substation and power transmission line connecting to the grid, as well as B.O.S. of the PV Plant.