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The ISASTUR group company consolidates its position as a main player in the region
SAESA (Sociedad Austral de Electricidad S.A.) has awarded to Isastur ISOTRON Chile an EPC contract for the Maria Elena substation upgrade project, located in Chile’s Antofagasta Region.
The existing substation had already been built by ISOTRON Chile for SunEdison, it comprised a 23/220 kV substation and a switch station aimed to introduce the energy generated by Photovoltaic Farm Maria Elena into the main grid, this PV farm has a peak generating capacity of 72 MWp.
New contract, scheduled over a timespan of 22 months, includes a new switching station for the existing second power line Crucero – Lagunas 220 kV (owned by Transelec), as well as upgrade of existing Maria Elena substation in order to become a 1-1/2 breaker scheme.
With a large amount of projects successfully executed so far, ISOTRON Chile has significantly contributed to the development of renewable energies in Chile. This new contract expands even further the already extensive backlog of ISASTUR companies in Chile, confirming its position as a key player in the region.