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The company ISOTRON, which belongs to the Holding ISASTUR located in Asturias (Spain), will participate in the electrical and instrumentation works of the general shutdown in BP Refinery in Castellón. The shutdown, which will take place over the next few weeks, is scheduled every five years to review and adapt the installations and equipment of the plant with the latest technological advances to optimize the work and safety processes of the refinery.
Likewise, ISOTRON is also going to perform the electrical and instrumentation works related with the vacuum tower expansion project, which is expected to be operational by the second quarter of 2018.
ISOTRON, regular BP contractor in Castellón, already participated in 2012 in the biggest shutdown performed, until then, in the refinery, when during the maintenance works a staff of more than 3,000 persons that were employed by BP’s contractors, participated in the works.
The Refinery in Castellón has celebrated this year its 50th anniversary. BP’s business project and the Group’s strong commitment with this refinery is very obvious, being one of the best in the world and an economic and industrial engine for its environment.