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ISOTRON has signed a contract in Peru with the company Electrozaña for the execution of a transmission line of 60 kV and more than 50 km in length that will serve for the evacuation of the Zaña Hydroelectric Plant.
The Zaña 1 Hydroelectric Plant, in the execution phase, is a projected flowing water plant with an installed capacity of 13.2 MW and located in the department of Cajamarca, in the north of Peru. The plant, installed in the channel of the Zaña River, will have two turbines, a height of 242 m and a design flow of 6.5 m³ / s.
The evacuation of the energy generated in the H.C. Zaña will be made through the connection to the National Interconnected Electric System (SEIN) in the Cayaltí Substation. In order to achieve this, a 50.3 km long transmission line and the extension of the Cayaltí substation will be executed, both projects within the scope awarded to ISOTRON.
ISOTRON will be responsible for the design, supply and construction of the transmission line H.C. Zaña - SET Cayaltí, with a voltage of 60 kV and approximate length of 50.3 km. The line will be designed for a power transmission capacity of 27 MVA, with the expectation of also serving in the future the project H.C. Zaña 2
In addition, ISOTRON will supply and execute the expansion of the 60 kV Cayaltí Substation. The object of this expansion will be the construction of two new arrival cells, as well as the protection, control and telecommunications system of the substation.
The projected date for the commercial start-up of the Zaña project is December 29th, 2018.
This project represents a milestone in the growth of ISOTRON in the region. In addition, the execution of this line will make an important contribution to the economic development of the northern region of Peru through the commitment to foster collaboration with companies and communities in the area.