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During this month of March, ISOTRON, ISASTUR holding company, has commissioned four solar plants of 10MW each, which completes the second phase of Bósforo Project.
These are the Jiquilisco plant in the department of Usulután, in the eastern region of El Salvador, and the Santa Ana and Salitrillo plants in the department of Santa Ana and the Sonsonate plant in the department of Sonsonate, all of them in the western region of the country.
These four plants have required an investment of 64 million dollars and will generate 40 MW of renewable energy.
The Bósforo project will involve the construction of ten solar plants and is promoted by the companies AES El Salvador and Corporación Multi Inversiones (a Guatemalan company of Asturian origin), with an estimated total investment of 160 million dollars and a total power of 100 MW.
ISOTRON is developing the Bósforo project in three phases, of which the first, consisting of three 10 W plants each, is in operation since the middle of last year; the second phase, Bósforo II, consists of the four 10 MW plants now completed, and the third phase, Bósforo III, currently under construction, consists of three additional plants located in the central region, with a total of 30 MW.
The Project, which will be completed by the end of 2019, will avoid emissions of more than 175,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.