In the case of not knowing how to handle a tool/equipment perfectly well or the risks that may result from performing a specific job, all workers belonging to the ISASTUR Group should act in the following way:
All workers must inform their Immediate Supervisor of situations of risk that they observe at work and let him know what material or tools/equipment is in a poor state/in poor conditions.
Consuming alcoholic drinks during the working day shall be considered a very serious fault and is strictly forbidden. In the benefits of safety, however, it is advisable not to consume alcohol during breaks or before starting the working day. Practical jokes, pranks, etc., that may suppose a hazard or distract workers on the job are not allowed.
Direct Supervisors (regardless of their level in the company hierarchy) must check, assuming full responsibility, whether safety regulations are being complied with, making certain that work conditions are safe, that appropriate safety equipment and the necessary protections are being employed, that the tools, materials and equipment used for performing the job as well as for first-aid procedures are in the proper conditions.
Immediate Supervisors (regardless of their level in the company hierarchy) must ensure that all the workers in their charge fully understand the task they have been assigned, especially as regards possible hazards and how to avoid them.
All personnel belonging to the ISASTUR Group must be aware that impositions in questions of safety are a necessity that guarantees their physical integrity and that of their workmates and therefore that complying with these is not only an obligation for each worker but must be demanded of any workmate not doing so.