Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010


1.1 Introduction

1. Purpose

To make known to all employees of the ISASTUR Group the basic Safety Regulations to be observed so as to avoid or control any risks derived from the work they carry out.

2. Structure

The present Manual is divided in two parts and two appendices:

1st Part. Safety Manual

2nd Part. Work Instructions


Risk Assessment

The present document contains instructions concerning the most widespread Safety and Health conditions that may affect the majority of jobs carried out by ISASTUR Group staff, although it is not possible to address in said document all the situations of risk that might arise in the workplace.

Those specific situations of risk that do not appear reflected in this document should be included in the Safety and Health Plans corresponding to each job and/or in the Risk Assessments of each workplace in particular.

The regulations included in this document are complementary to those stipulated in Current Regulations and may be supplemented by In-house Regulations (ISASTUR Group Corporative Manuals) or the Procedures of each Firm (Client) which indicate, in greater detail, the correct way of acting in accordance with the jobs to carry out and the organization of said Firm.

3. Audience

This document is of interest to and affects all ISASTUR Group staff. All ISASTUR Group staff, regardless of their work category, will be responsible for strictly observing the present Safety Instructions, which must be known and complied with.

The same holds for the workers belonging to Firms subcontracted by the ISASTUR Group.

4. Application

Safety and hazard control conditions in the workplace have absolute priority over any other consideration.

The ISASTUR Group interprets non observation of safety regulations as misconduct –without exception or attenuating circumstances, for reasons of productivity, job urgency or costs– which will be penalised according to current labour laws.

All employees must know how to handle the tools they use perfectly well and safety regulations must be observed when carrying out the jobs they are given.

PREVENTION We must all acquire a preventive mindset: prevent before repairing.
RESPONSIBILITY We must know our rights and obligations regarding prevention issues.
PARTICIPATION We must all be informed and consulted regarding those aspects that affect prevention.

Copyright © 2010 ISASTUR

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