Logotipo ISASTUR
Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Manual Handling of Loads. Cable laying

7. Cable laying

7.3. Prior stretching and preparation exercises for the job


  • Warm-up and muscle-stretching exercises for work activities.
    • Warm-up exercises: before starting work.
    • Stretching exercises: before, during and after work.
  • Counter-posture gymnastics: to stretch the muscles that work and boost those that do not; to be done on finishing work.


  • Good physical preparation strengthens and balances the muscles, reducing the risk of injury.
  • Not much time is needed: between 5 and 10 minutes a day.
  • The exercises are not a competition; movements are slow and controlled.
  • Brusque, quick movements are to be avoided.
  • Take short breaks frequently and stretch your muscles in the opposite sense to the one you have been using (for example, if you have been working with your neck inclined backwards, briefly move it forwards).
  • The exercises should not constitute a laborious task. The idea is not to exhaust yourself but to prepare and protect your body. If you feel any pain or discomfort when performing the exercises, it is advisable to stop doing them.
  • It may not be advisable for those persons who have suffered some kind of injury or have prior problems to do certain exercises. Therefore, if there is any pain, it is advisable not to force the movement.



Warm-up exercises should be done before starting work activities.

For how long?

Between 5-10  minutes, approximately.


The exercises should be very light, with the minimum of tension in the joints. Do not make brusque or rapid movements. Each exercise has to be repeated between 5 and 10 times.

Arms and legs

Arms and legs

  • Move your arms and legs in opposite directions (as if walking, but in a more exaggerated way and without moving from the spot). Make sure your heel touches the ground.
  • Do this exercise for 2- 3 minutes.



Move  your head slowly:

  1. 1. Up and down
  2. 2. To the right and left
  3. 3. To each side

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Design & Programming Bittia