Logotipo ISASTUR
Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Risk Assessment: Construction and Civil Works

Workers Affected by Works Hazards


130 Overstrain.

420/430/440 Physical fatigue.

410 Postural fatigue


  • Manual transport of loads.
  • Overstrain when loading and unloading wood, rebars, prefabricated shuttering and props.
  • Overstrain due to persons circulating in forced postures, sustaining heavy parts.
  • Remaining in uncomfortable postures for certain jobs.


Rules for acting

  • Adoption of alternative means whenever possible.
  • Sufficient workers to handle loads.
  • Workers take turns. Load in accordance with each person’s capacity (do not strain).
  • Scheduled breaks.
  • Information and training regarding these risks and how to avoid them. Personnel are to be given training regarding the correct ways to handle loads.
  • Start work that requires physical effort slowly, previously warming-up muscles, especially on cold days and in cold places.
  • Try not to bend or twist your back, especially the lumbar or lower back region, above all if you have to make an effort (move loads, dig the ground with a pick, use tools, etc.).

Personal protection

  • Lower-back belt for those who request one or when recommended by the health surveillance of the worker.


140 Exposure to extreme ambient temperatures.


  • Working outdoors (substations, etc.).
  • The client’s own facilities with special characteristics.


Rules for acting

  • Scheduled breaks.
  • Workers take turns.
  • Drink plenty of liquid in facilities with high temperatures and, in general, during exposure to very hot atmospheres.

Personal protection

  • Appropriate clothing, both for hot and cold temperatures.
  • Use sun cream to protect yourself against the effect of solar radiation.

Copyright © 2010 ISASTUR

Design & Programming Bittia