After assessing psychosocial factors, it may be considered necessary to apply some kind of measure related to the organisation of work such as the reorganising of tasks (modification of the rhythm, rotation of tasks), organisational measures (regarding autonomy, delegation of responsibilities), ergonomic measures and measures for improving the work environment (temperature, humidity, lighting), modification of the work space and timetable (measures to avoid overcrowding, isolation, providing for breaks), etc.
A number of possible actions is presented next, ordered in increasing capacity to improve working conditions. However, the choice of the most suitable measures to adopt will depend on the type of problem detected and on the characteristics of the organisation and of the post.
The way to put teamwork into practice must adapt itself to the characteristics of the organisation, although there are a number of features that are usually present in the majority of cases: small groups (from 10 to 15 people), with shared goals that are clearly defined, group members with interrelated tasks, groups with autonomy to make decisions and control over their time, with their own material resources and with group responsibility (the group is responsible for achieving its goals).