Through Risk Assessment, the Firm aims to analyse all jobs, determine existing risks, whether these can be eliminated in some way, and, if it is not possible to eliminate them, what measures must be adopted to control them, thereby reducing the possibility of them arising and reducing the seriousness of their consequences.
General risk assessments are carried out for all the work centres in which the Firm has employees, regardless of whether these facilities belong to the Firm or not (works, maintenance, etc.)
Furthermore, when General Risk Assessments highlight the need, Specific Risk Assessments are carried out; i.e. those derived from hygiene measurements or from ergonomic or psychosocial studies.
The collection of risk prevention activities to eliminate or control risks at work is known as Risk Prevention Planning, which is programmed annually on the basis of the objectives concerning Occupational Risk Management established by the Firm.
The Annual Risk Prevention Planning includes: a term of execution for each preventive measure, the necessary human and material resources to carry it out, those responsible for the measure and the budget.
In addition to the Annual Risk Prevention Planning for each of our companies, a specific Planning of preventive activities is carried out for each of the jobs undertaken, for the following reasons:
The Risk Prevention Planning for each job is integrated in the corresponding Health and Safety Plan / Specific Risks Assessment.