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Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Risk Assessment: Construction and Civil Works

Workers Affected by Works Hazards


Rules for acting

  • Equipment and materials are generally to be stockpiled at a reasonable distance from the top of slopes depending on the depth of the excavation, trench or pit. As a general rule, a 2-m strip should be left free of loads and the transit of vehicles.
  • Trenches and excavations are to be provided with metal ladders that stick out 1 m above the upper level of the cut, unless there are safe access ramps (with a suitable slope).
    Pit and gallery mouths with a dangerous slope are to be protected with solid handrails with an intermediate rail and skirting that impede materials and personnel from falling in.
  • Excavation, trench, pit or gallery works:
    • One or more workers are to remain outside the excavation, trench, pit or gallery to help in the case of an emergency and evacuation.
    • In deep pits and trenches and in narrow galleries, workers are to use harness-type safety belts joined to a fall and rescue device.
  • Shoring:
    • Shoring has to be checked at the start of the working day; these precautions are to be maximized after work stoppages of more than one day or atmospheric alterations such as rain or freezing.
    • It is recommended that shoring should stick out 20 cm above the edge of the trench in order to act as a skirting board that prevents objects and materials from falling into the trench.
      In general, shoring or part of it is to be removed only when it ceases to be necessary and in horizontal strips, starting from the bottom of the cut.

Personal protection

  • Helmet, goggles and safety footwear with reinforced toecaps.

Procedures to apply

  • PC0526.
  • ITL20.

Copyright © 2010 ISASTUR

Design & Programming Bittia