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Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Risk Assessment: Electromechanical Erection

Workers Affected by Works Hazards


Rules for acting


If there are any elements in an installation near to the work area that have to remain live, additional protective measures are to be taken which are to be applied before starting work (they are to be considered proximity work or live work). Signposting is to be carried out by means of phrases or signs with drawings of the existing danger. The aim is to provide the worker and other people with information so as to avoid accidents. In addition to this, the work area must be delimited by means of fences, tape or chains. The colour red is usually used to indicate danger. In those jobs carried out in in-service HV substations, special signposting is always to be used.

  • Reconnecting the power supply:
    The reconnection of the power supply is only to commence once work has finished, after all the workers who are not essential have left the area and all the tools and equipment that have been used have been cleared away.
    The steps to reconnect the power supply are:
    1ª. Removal of additional protections and signs that indicate the limits of the work area, should these exist.
    2ª. Removal of the short-circuit to ground, should it exist.
    3ª. Unlocking and/or removal of the signs for cut-off devices.
    4ª. Closing of the circuits to re-establish the power supply.
    From the moment when one of the measures initially adopted to carry out work in the absence of voltage under safety conditions is suppressed, the part of the installation affected is to be considered live.
  • When working in the vicinity of live parts, someone with electrical training must always be present (Authorised/Qualified in keeping with Spanish Royal Decree 614/2001).
    In the vicinity of HV parts, a Preventive Resource figure must to be present (minimum training: Basic Level in ORP). The client must request this type of work from the ISASTUR Group supervisor (not ask the worker directly to do it). Workers may only carry out this type of work with the approval of their supervisor.

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