Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Hygiene Risks

2. Chemical Pollutants

2.1. General preventative measures

  • Recipients that contain chemical products must always be properly labelled and must conserve said identification.
  • Exposed workers must be informed of and trained regarding the hazards that chemical pollutants present suppose and the safety measures to adopt.
  • Ambient measurements of the chemical pollutants present in the atmosphere are to be carried out to control their levels.
  • Specific medical check-ups of workers exposed to chemical pollutants are to be carried out, both initially and periodically.
  • Exposed workers should be made aware of the need to maximize personal hygiene (washing before eating, drinking or smoking, showering at the end of the working day, keeping work and street clothing separate, etc.).
  • Smoking, drinking or eating is forbidden in areas where chemical pollutants may exist; special areas must be fitted out for these purposes.
  • Moreover, in order to reduce exposure to sufficiently low values, the necessary preventive actions should be taken regarding the source of emission, the means of dispersion and the receptor, in this order of priority.

2.1.1. Possible actions regarding the source of emission

  • Replace substances that are noxious to health for other, less aggressive substances, whenever technically feasible.
  • Automate or introduce modifications in the actual production process and replace it with another, less hazardous process.
  • Enclose or isolate pollutant processes in premises far from work areas, providing them with sufficient ventilation. It is worth noting here that one of the most effective prevention methods for combating chemical pollution is ventilation, as it removes the polluted air from the workplace, replacing it with fresh air.
  • Install localised extraction systems that ensure capturing the pollutant at its point of emission, thus preventing it from passing into the atmosphere.

2.1.2. Possible actions regarding the means of dispersion

  • Clean workplaces after each shift, establishing a periodic cleaning schedule for premises.
  • Install general ventilation systems in workshops that ensure sufficient renewal of air.
  • Increase the distance between the source of emission and receptors.

2.1.3. Possible actions regarding the receptor

  • These actions are only justifiable when the aforementioned actions are impossible or insufficient.
  • When it is not possible to reduce the concentration of pollutants in the workplace, the exposure time is to be limited as much as possible, establishing rotation of personnel if necessary.
  • In certain cases, it is possible to isolate the worker inside cabins provided with conveniently filtered air conditioning, from which the process may be controlled remotely.
  • If it is not possible to reduce the level of exposure in any other way, or if dealing with sporadic exposures or exposures of a short duration, suitable personal protection equipment is to be used (masks, gloves, etc.), the regulations for the use and conservation of which must be known by workers.

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