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Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Risk Assessment: Electromechanical Erection

Workers Affected by Works Hazards


140 Exposure to extreme ambient temperatures.


  • Working outdoors (substations, etc.).
  • The client’s own installations with special characteristics (e.g. ACERALIA’s hot rolling mill: high temperatures).


Rules for acting

  • Scheduled breaks.
  • Workers take turns.
  • Drink plenty of liquid in facilities with high temperatures and, in general, during exposure to very hot atmospheres.

Personal protection

  • Appropriate clothing, both for hot and cold temperatures.
  • Use sun cream to protect yourself against the effect of solar radiation.


170 Exposure to noxious or toxic substances: acids (HCl), bases, all types of gases: CO, etc.


  • Due to the characteristic processes at our Clients’ installations.
  • Work in confined spaces.
  • Welding work.


Rules for acting

  • Use gas detectors (one in each workings). Request from the Store prior to commencing work.
  • One person must never remain alone in atmospheres with the possibility of exposure to toxic substances/a shortage of oxygen.
  • When working in confined atmospheres or where there is a possible shortage of oxygen, the least number of workers possible should participate (at least 2) and are to remain in the area for only the time necessary to carry out the task.
  • Prior to the commencement of work in toxic environments or those with a shortage of oxygen, possible rescue procedures are to be planned for and all the workers involved are to be suitably informed. They are also to be informed of the characteristic symptoms of the possible pollutants present or of incipient asphyxia.
  • When working in confined atmospheres or where there is a possible shortage of oxygen, one worker must ALWAYS remain outside, far from the influence of possible toxic substances/ shortage of oxygen, and in constant visual/oral Contact with the exposed workers. This person (expressly designated as the Preventive Resource figure on the part of ISASTUR) is to be equipped with an efficient means of communication (mobile phone or similar) with which to inform the Emergency Services (112) if needs be.

Personal protection

  • When necessary, an autonomous breathing mask (confined spaces with oxygen levels equal to or below 18%).
  • Special specific suits, where applicable.

Procedures to apply

  • ITP57.
  • Confined spaces, hazardous atmospheres: PC0526.

Copyright © 2010 ISASTUR

Design & Programming Bittia