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Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Risk Assessment: Electromechanical Erection

Workers Affected by Works Hazards


330 Exposure to noise.


  • Those of the facilities themselves (machinery, rolling mills, moving vehicles, etc.).
  • Using electrical tools and machinery (drills, radial grinders/cutters, grinders, chain saws, etc.).


Rules for acting

  • Comply with the Client’s Safety Regulations and use PPE in signposted areas.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and the corresponding Safety Sheet, if one exists.
  • Reduce exposure to noise by means of:
    • Limiting exposure time.
    • Appropriate work scheduling.
  • Information/training for workers exposed to the risk.

Personal protection

  • Ear protectors.


340 Exposure to vibrations.


  • Using electrical tools and machinery (drills, radial grinders/cutters).


Rules for acting

  • The points where tools are held are to have insulating material to avoid vibrations being directly transmitted to workers.
  • Reducing exposure by:
    • Limiting exposure time.
    • Appropriate work scheduling.
  • Information/training for workers exposed to the risk.

Personal protection

  • In the case of continued use of drills, anti-vibration gloves and/or wristbands.


370 Exposure to non-ionizing radiation. Intoxication due to welding fumes.


  • Oxy-cutting and welding operations.
  • Burns caused by an electric arc resulting from work with an electrical hazard. live work, work in the vicinity of live parts, cut-off or reconnection of the power supply, etc.
  • Continued exposure to the sun.
  • Presence in the surroundings of high voltage pylons.


Rules for acting

  • Maintain safety distances in the area in which this work is being carried out.
  • Workers who are in the vicinity of these operations including welders’ assistants) are to be suitably protected, either with the pertinent PPE or by screening the area. To avoid the risk of burns resulting from jobs with an electrical hazard, all the precautions and procedures mentioned in the measures listed for preventing electric Contacts are to be applied.
  • Adequately ventilate welding work.
  • Use masks or breathing devices when necessary (both the welder and his assistant).

Personal protection

  • Welding screens providing suitable protection.
  • Masks or breathing devices if necessary.
  • Jobs with an electrical hazard: those protections indicated for controlling the risk of electrical Contact.
  • Protective screen against UV rays (cream).
  • Possibility of using tinted safety goggles (sunscreen).

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