The method allowing the Consultation and Participation of workers adapts to legal requirements depending on the size of each of the Companies in the ISASTUR Group, a Health and Safety Committee existing when the number of workers requires one.
The Organisation facilitates, both to staff and to Prevention Representatives, information on the specific risks that affect their post or function and on the Protection and Prevention measures applicable to said risks.
In addition to the aforementioned information, the firm also informs the Prevention Representatives regarding all aspects pertaining to Occupational Risk Prevention and, in particular, regarding:
Besides the aforementioned channels, the Risk Prevention Representatives receive information through attending meetings with Management.
We should also highlight, as a channel of information for all the firm’s staff, the monthly Risk Prevention and Environment report (Prevención y Medio Ambiente, PYMA). This document is published on the Intranet and is sent to the different work sites every month to be distributed to all the workers at these sites.
With the aim of complying with the stipulations of the legislation in force, the following channels have been made available for the consultation and participation of staff and/or their representatives:
Meetings between Risk Prevention Representatives in those firms belonging to the ISASTUR Group that do not have a Committee take place as often and address the same topics as Committee meetings. Those attending these meetings are the Company Risk Prevention Representative and the Manager and/or someone representing Management.