Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Personal Protection Equipment

5. Types of PPE Categories

Category I:

This is PPE with a simple design that provides light protection; for example:

  • Garden gloves.
  • Gloves for handling hot parts at a temperature of below 50º C.
  • Clothing or footwear for atmospheric agents that are neither exceptional nor extreme.

Some part of said PPE must display the CE marking.

Category II:

This is PPE with an intermediate design that provides intermediate protection; for example:

  • Specific protective equipment for hands and/or arms.
  • Specific protective equipment for feet and/or legs.
  • All helmets.
  • All equipment for fully or partially protecting the face.

Each PPE element or its packaging should display the CE marking.

Category III:

This is PPE with a complex design aimed at protecting the user from all types of mortal hazard or any hazard that might seriously or irreversibly injure his health; for example:

  • All those protection devices designed and manufactured to protect against falling from heights.
  • Todos los equipos de protección respiratoria para proteger contra los aerosoles sólidos y líquidos o contra gases.

Each PPE element or its packaging should display the CE XXXX marking, where:

XXXX is the distinguishing number of the approved body that intervenes in the manufacturing phase.

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