Logotipo ISASTUR
Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Risk Assessment: Construction and Civil Works

Workers Affected by Works Hazards


161 162 Electrical Contacts.


  • Using manual power tools (radial cutter/grinder, drill,  etc.).
  • Electrical Contacts due to annulling guards (disc saw, cement mixer), connecting directly without plugs, cut or broken cables.
  • Contact with the electric current due to a voltaic arc in the vicinity of electricity lines, erosion of the protective elements of an underground electricity line.
  • Due to invading the proximity zone.
  • Access to service areas and enclosures of electrical material.


Rules for acting

  • Qualified/Authorised workers (Spanish Royal Decree 614/2001).
  • Use insulating tools (double insulation or grounding).
  • Keep wires and plugs in good condition.
  • The switchboard being worked on must be protected by a current activated circuit-breaker.
  • Do not wear any conductive object in Contact with your body (watches, rings, chains, etc.).
  • Scrupulously respect safety distances as regards power lines and live parts.
  • The work area is to be clearly demarcated.
  • When working in the vicinity of live parts, someone with electrical training must always be present (Authorised/Qualified in keeping with Spanish Royal Decree 614/2001).
  • In the vicinity of HV parts, a Preventive Resource figure has to be present (minimum training: Basic Level in ORP). The client must request this type of work from the ISASTUR Group supervisor (not ask the worker directly to do it).
  • Workers may only carry out this type of work with the approval of their supervisor.
  • Access to independent areas devoted to electrical services or to the carrying out of electrical trials or tests (generating stations, substations, control rooms or laboratories) is restricted to authorised workers or personnel that have been informed previously of the existing risks and the precautions to take and who are to remain under the permanent supervision of an authorised worker at all times.
  • The doors to these areas are to be signposted indicating that unauthorised personnel are not allowed to enter. When there are no service personnel in the area, the doors are to remain locked so as to impede the entry of unauthorised personnel.
  • The opening of cells, cabinets and other enclosures for electrical material is to be restricted to Authorised Workers.
  • Access to areas and the opening of enclosures by Authorised Workers may only be carried out with the knowledge of and permission from the person responsible for the installation.
  • All work must be carried out in the absence of voltage except those jobs mentioned in sections 3 and 4 of Article 4 of Spanish Royal Decree 614/2001, namely work in the vicinity of installations whose conditions of exploitation or continuity so require it.

Copyright © 2010 ISASTUR

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