Access to utility areas and enclosures of electrical material
Access to independent areas devoted to electrical utilities or to the carrying out of electrical trials or tests (generating stations, substations, control rooms or laboratories) is restricted to:
When there are no service personnel in the area, the doors are to remain locked so as to impede the entry of unauthorised personnel. The opening of cells, cabinets and other enclosures for electrical material is to be restricted to Authorised Workers.
Accessing the areas and the opening of enclosures by Authorised Workers may only be carried out with the knowledge and consent of the person in charge of the installation and, in the case of our being a subcontractor, also of our Client.
Work and other activities involving the movement or displacement of equipment or materials in the vicinity of overhead or underground power lines or other electrical installations.
To carry out activities in which the movement or displacement of equipment or materials is, or may be, produced in the vicinity of overhead or underground power lines or other electrical installations, the following safety rules must be complied with:
To determine danger and proximity zones and to be able to demarcate the work area and access ways, special attention is to be paid to the following:
Personal Protective Equipment
Basic PPE (safety helmet, footwear and goggles), as well as the Firm’s work clothes.
For preparing jobs in the vicinity of LV installations: basic PPE and a LVW kit.
Kit for jobs with an electrical hazard